• Rectors of Glasgow University 1820-2000 - Front Cover

Rectors of Glasgow University 1820-2000

  • Make a Selection

The author Donald Wintersgill looks at the 63 rectors elected at the University of Glasgow between 1820 and 2000. This book also looks at the unique traditions of the University and the social and historical background of each of the rectorial elections.

From noted statesman such as Gladstone and Disraeli, Balfour and Bonar Law to author Compton Mackenzie and academic powerhouse John Boyd Orr, and into the more recent era with anti-apartheid campaigner Albert Luthuli, Clydeside shop steward Jimmy Reid, and musician Pat Kane.

Format: Paperback
Pages: 250
Dimensions: 15cm x 21cm x 2cm
Publisher: University of Glasgow Publicity Services
Date published: 1 May 2001
ISBN-10: 0852617321

Includes black and white images of each rector.